We’re avid supporters of environmental awareness and sustainability, so much so that some years ago FCS owner, John Gowing began Gowings Whale Trust with the aim of increasing people’s knowledge, involvement and understanding of the humpback whale and to garner support for the beautiful creatures that we have the pleasure of seeing from our shorelines in whale-watching season.
These magnificent mammals work relentlessly to maintain our ocean ecosystem, regulate the flow of food and help to rectify the damage that us mere mortals do.
Each year from May to October whales dance around our coastline while spectators gather from all over the world and gaze in awe of their majestic beauty. The coming months are the perfect time to see these impressive animals display a range of spectacular surfacing behaviours.
The humpback, in particular, delights coastal dwellers with its acrobatics as it makes its way through Australian waters and by increasing our understanding of this mammal, its environment and the impact man has upon it, we will have a greater chance of ensuring its survival.
Buy Gowing Whale Trust merchandise in the knowledge that you’re being proactive for environmental sustainability. You can also buy a larger range of Whale Trust and Sea Shepherd items at the Concierge Desk at Coffs Central and Port Central shopping centres.